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Barbara Linsley
Travel with the Aunts
Twenty-two-year-old Allison, just finishing college, is told by her parents that they want her to escort her three octogenarian, great aunts on a road trip. Wait a minute! These are the same women her father has kept her away from. They’re wild. They’re loose women. They’re ….well, terrible! Josie, who has been married four times….at least, and is on the hunt for number five. Daisy, who travels with her no-good husband in one of those ‘tin-can’ trailers. And Rosie, a singer, who has lived a life of ‘sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll.’ The only time Allison’s even met the older two was at her grandmother’s funeral when she was three. Allison and her great aunts spend three weeks on the road, traveling from Toledo to The Villages, exploring along the way. The aunts gleefully see how far they can push their insecure, tea-totaling niece. Allison wonders where her father got his opinion of these ladies, as she learns more about her intelligent, fun-loving great-aunts.
