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Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2014
  • 9780692289501
  • 270 pages
  • $16.95
Anne Samit
Unfold Your Mat, Unfold Yourself: Essays on Yoga's Healing Truths and So Much More
This collection of essays reveals 15 Healing Truths as discovered on a journey through movement atop a yoga mat. What began as a simple quest to exercise ignited a discovery of self and spirit and strength, all found by merely moving on the mat. Movement is a catalyst for healing. It shakes off the dust. On the mat, barriers get removed and whatever needs to be released is set free. The moves don't have to be complicated for a transformation to begin. The essays contained in each Healing Truth are evidence that it's never too late to exchange a still life for a life in motion. Movement makes it possible to look back for review, to look ahead for hope, and ultimately to land in the present moment. Moving is a way to achieve balance and belief and courage and strength; find comfort and connection and trust and acceptance; embrace patience and peace and joy and love.
Amazon Customer Review

"This is an excellent book. Although the book discusses the author's personal practice of yoga, it is not an autobiographical story or even a "yoga" book. It is a book about life, actually anyone's and everyone's life. Through brief short stories of 2-4 pages, Anne is able to share lessons she has learned about many of the trials and tribulations we all share on a day to day basis. I found many, if not all of those lessons to be applicable to my own life. Each chapter starts with a verse from a song by a famous artist that often summarizes that chapter. She has a writing style that is easy to read. Although I only dabble in yoga, I found this book motivated me in a mind/body and spirit sort of way. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend to everyone, even if you have never participated in or been exposed to yoga." - Steve Iskowitz

Amazon Customer Review

"Reading this wonderful book is calming in itself. I have read the whole book, but find that I refer back to it to read certain passages that I find relate to my life and encourages me to think deeper about the meaning in my every day activities. The author writes just beautifully. She is honest in her feelings and how yoga caused her to feel more positively about herself and how she views the world. . While reading this book, it has motivated me to do more yoga which has been so helpful to me emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I know that anyone who reads this book will find it to be motivating and relaxing." - Linda Bart

Amazon Customer Review

"The author truly unfolds herself and tells a story that is filled with insight into yoga poses and relationships. Anne Samit expresses feelings that resonate with experienced yogis, along with the courage of anyone new to the mat. Her willingness to share openly is inspiring! The reader will repeatedly find that they are nodding their head in agreement about the life lessons described in this book." - R. Greenberg

Amazon Customer Review

"I don't even do yoga and I loved the book! It is truly inspiring with its beautiful thought provoking words. There was so much I learned about myself while reading this book. I wholeheartedly recommend this book." - Ellie B

More Than Exercise in Potomac

Book Review

Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2014
  • 9780692289501
  • 270 pages
  • $16.95
