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Gerald Beaudry
Video Conference Card Games

Learn the rules and procedures to play card games modified for play on video calls using real playing cards. Includes: Go Fish, Crazy Eights, Cribbage, Scopa, Rummy, Canasta, Whist, Hearts, Spades, Kaiser, and Contract Bridge.

This compact handbook offers no-frills, platform-independent instructions for playing a variety of classic card games using video conferencing software and standard decks of physical playing cards at each location, using an innovative system of splitting decks to represent the remote player’s cards. Beaudry includes general instructions for camera setup, and specific directions for Go Fish, Crazy Eights, Cribbage, Scopa, Rummy, Canasta, and trick-taking games like Whist, Hearts, and Contract Bridge. Instructions assume that players already have a familiarity with the actual games.

Beaudry wisely chooses to keep the text system-independent, rather than to get bogged down in trying to instruct readers on using rapidly changing technical platforms, allowing the option to use a wide variety of devices including older smartphones. He chooses to front-load instructions on where to position cameras in an initial chapter, but includes other general information using repeated text (such as a reminder to document house rules) in every chapter, making it easier for readers to jump directly to their game of choice, but leaving the book feeling repetitive when viewed as a whole. A general chapter on the concept of Split Decks and Card Banks upfront would have gone a long way toward helping readers understand the basic premise, and adding some diagrams would also have helped readers visualize how the basic systems function.

Nevertheless, Beaudry’s system is cleverly designed and works very well, and readers will find it intuitive after following his instructions carefully a few times. Although he lists reasons people might like to play cards remotely, he omits discussion of the reasons why readers should choose this system— the aesthetics of physical cards, the more intimate connection, being easily able to incorporate house rules— over digital ones. The tone of the text is instructional and distant, ensuring clarity.

Takeaway: Practical guide to playing cards remotely but not electronically.

Comparable Titles: Hoyle’s Modern Encyclopedia of Card Games, Ellie Dix’s The Board Game Family.

Production grades
Cover: B
Design and typography: A-
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: B



A great way to stay connected 

This book was easy to follow and engaging. It will teach you using real-world examples and step-by-step techniques. In a time when it’s hard to connect in person, this is a great way to stay connected with friends and family during video calls. I highly recommend it for yourself or as a gift for someone you wish to stay in touch with!




Fun with friends and family 

This book is a fun guide for those looking to maintain connections with family and friends in different cities by engaging in virtual game nights (no need for a designated driver). This book successfully bridges the gap between traditional card games and modern technology, offering a unique way to bond with loved ones from anywhere in the world.




Had so much fun 

I have a few friends and family living very far, and this book was so handy. I spent hours playing games like Rummy, Hearts, and Go Fish over Skype. It was like having them here with me again. The games are easy to follow using real cards and the internet. We even had game party nights. I would highly recommend this book, especially for friends and family far away from you.


