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Prometheus Worley
Wisdom From The World's Greatest Gurus

Adult; Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion; (Market)

Wisdom From The World's Greatest Gurus: Imagine Transforming Your Life, One Thought At A Time is a beautifully full-colored concise self-help compendium of the thoughts, quotes, aphorisms, and sagely musings of just a few of the world's most popular contemporary wise Gurus. The first of its kind, sure to become one of the best books to read this year as well as a #1 best Road Trip book to read while traveling, this eye-catching, thought-provoking text combines the powerful wisdom of several of today's most influential wise sages with various prescriptive yoga sequence illustrations. Using dozens of exciting, full-colored, detail-rich graphics, we recast the complex dialogue of Yogic wisdom into a variety of easy-to-understand infographic formats. Leaving no stone unturned, as a bonus, Wisdom From The World’s Greatest Gurus: Imagine Transforming Your Life, One Thought At A Time also includes the wisdom of the two foundational seminal classics of eastern Yogic and Meditative philosophy, best seller’s The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali & The Bhagavad Gita, for even deeper contemplative thought and reflection.

Nony rated it..... it was amazing!!

"Wisdom From The World's Greatest Gurus: Imagine Transforming Your Life One Thought At A Time" penned by the author Prometheus Worley is a must-read book for those who love doing self-introspection to understand themselves better. In this book, the author has mentioned many spiritual teachers like Sadhguru, Ram Dass, Yogananda, etc. I agree with Worley when he mentioned that with our thinking, our circumstances also change. I have experienced this personally in my life.

The author has given the background about various gurus and famous quotes by them. The below quote by Sadhguru is my favorite:

"Do not try to fix whatever comes
into your life. Fix yourself in such a
way that whatever comes, you will be

Through this book, one will find nuggets of information that they can include in their life. The information about various asanas along with the images helped me to gain much knowledge. Since recently my interest in spirituality and meditation has increased, I found this book really helpful. I must say the author has done great work in this book. It is a must-read book that I like to recommend to all of my friends. It's a worth reading book that you could read anytime anywhere.

Vincent Dublado

If you are looking for motivation and inspiration, Wisdom From The World's Greatest Gurus: Imagine Transforming Your Life One Thought At A Time by Prometheus Worley is a good place to start. No, this is not an instant remedy that will eradicate your psychological and emotional burdens right after reading. It doesn’t work that way. What’s provided here is a collection of brilliant thoughts, quotes, aphorisms, and musings of the world’s esteemed gurus that may help to ignite the wick of your willpower to do better for yourself. These quotes are suitable to accompany your meditation activities as they lean toward healing and transformational ideas. This book is brilliantly accompanied by colored photographs and illustrations, and it mostly highlights yoga practices to emphasize mind and body connection.

If spiritual and transformational maxims in themselves could do good, they are tragically lost in the noise of our contemporary lifestyle. We ignore our needs for meditative nourishment in exchange for staying competitive in a demanding world consumed by too many crass pursuits. But the world evolves, and as we continue to face the challenges of a worldwide pandemic, Prometheus Worley’s book can help you find your way back and reconnect with yourself. He writes in a manner that shows you how the wisdom of this world is not confined to traditional religious abstractions. As we are dazzled by the flood of scientific discoveries and technological breakthroughs, Wisdom From The World's Greatest Gurus leads you to have a deeper understanding of yourself through the documented insights of the sages. The depth of their existential exploration is a must-read, a welcome respite from the chaos of the modern world, and their words will lead you to self-discovery.

