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Paperback Book Details
  • 9780990650003 0990650006
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Worldchanging 101: Challenging the Myth of Powerlessness
Why is it that while most of us can identify and explain problems challenging our communities, nations, and world, we so rarely act to address those problems? What keeps us paralyzed? David LaMotte suggests that the stories we tell ourselves and each other about how the world works are a big part of the answer. Stories matter. They guide our actions more powerfully than data because they place boundaries around what we believe to be possible. Unfortunately, some of our common stories are simply not true. Worldchanging 101 examines how large-scale change happens and how it doesn t, and explores our possible roles within that change. By breaking large transformations into more manageable components, LaMotte demystifies positive change-making, then guides us through questions to reveal specific pathways toward real and sustainable engagement with problems that concern us. In Worldchanging 101, we re-think the importance of heroes and everyday people, including ourselves.
LaMotte is a multifaceted individual: musician, activist, Rotary World Peace Fellow, and founder and president of PEG Partners, a charity that supports schools and libraries in Guatemala. In this book, he credibly suggests that stories of large-scale change predicated on superhuman individual actions can be discouraging rather than inspirational. He suggests that, instead, stories of change precipitated by the small actions of many people are both more instructive and more common. Even heroes, in LaMotte’s opinion, tend to build upon seemingly small actions. For support, he points to the story of Rosa Parks. The author’s own humanitarian track record lends credence to his theories. He creates a unique blend between his own narrative of starting PEG Partners and his suggestions for effecting change, including bumper stickers, online petitions, marches, and establishing nonprofits. LaMotte also offers tips for young people, suggesting that “What do I do next?” is a more manageable question than “What am I supposed to do with my life?” He ends with a series of additional questions for readers that will help them ignite their passion, harness their unique skills, and find ways to impact their family, community, and the world. (BookLife)
Paperback Book Details
  • 9780990650003 0990650006
  • pages
  • $
