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You're white 'cause you don't look like me
Shanti Prem, author
Kenya is an absolutely adorable five year old brown skin twin who identifies people as only black or white. She notices that her equally adorable twin sister is much lighter than she is, so she teasingly lets her sister in on her new observation, that she must be white. Kenya's mother lovingly gives an explanation of their differences through a fairytale teaching her twins to embrace not only their differences, but the differences of others. The story is told in a poetic easy to understand way.
Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

Shanti Prem’s picture book story, You're White 'Cause You Don't Look Like Me, is a delightful presentation of a lesson that people of all ages need to learn and understand. We are all different. We all look different. But that doesn’t change who we are. The real person is deep inside each person. Lovely story, lovely illustrations. Well done!

