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The Thrift Shop Murders
Stanford Pritchard. Springside Book, $15.95 paper (266p) ISBN 978-1-4943-3644-8
In Pritchard's uneven metaphysical whodunit, brokerage firm manager Selwyn McCandless finds his life crumbling when millionaire Fairfield Dixon is murdered at an elegant dinner party. Soon after the killing, Selwyn—and all the other partygoers—receives an enigmatic letter and poem stating that clues leading to portions of Dixon's vast fortune are hidden at local thrift shops. Meanwhile, Selwyn's son, Marvin, a day laborer working to build a museum for the dead man's art collection, becomes a suspect. Despite an intriguing concept, the plot is convoluted at times, lacking tension or focus, and hindered by relentless inner monologues, meandering pace, and a contrived climax.

Reviewed by Publishers Weekly on 06/27/2014

Release date 02/01/2014

