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May 25, 2020

Written as a report to the Russian president, The Gorilla Package, Owens’s debut work, sees Russia close to invading the United States, which has tossed out its politicians and exploded with racial tension, resulting in a takeover of the American system.

What is the story behind this book? 

I wrote the book in 2012, when some people thought the world was going to end. It was written to present my thoughts on the future through the year 2020. I wanted the book to be as powerful as any weapon of mass destruction insofar as its ability to create decisive change. I crafted the story to be really entertaining for readers as a reward for having to take in a little information.

Why do you think this book is particularly relevant now?

Miraculously, the book, even though it was written in 2012, details some of the ways the world came to be as it is today. Also, the book tells how we can achieve unprecedented greatness despite the corruption and ignorance we face from our so-called leadership. I believe the book asks the question: what is freedom and the pursuit of happiness?

Who is your ideal reader and why?

Every person who considers themselves a human being should read the book. I feel the book engages a lot of different human personalities and helps us better understand ourselves so that we can prevent confrontations.

Despite being subtitled Book 2 in the Chronicles of the Dark Illuminate, The Gorilla Package is the first book in the series, and you’ve also described it as a standalone title. Can you elaborate on that? 

The Gorilla Package is the first book in the series that I officially published. Book 2 in the Chronicles of the Dark Illuminate is the subtitle of that book. I added it both because it improved the aesthetics of the book cover and to alert readers to my plans to release books in settings before and after the events in this book and based on the same characters. But for now, only “book two” is available. Most people simply call the book The Gorilla Package. All cool things usually have an official name and a nickname.

When can readers expect your next book?

Once I sell one million copies of this book, I will release another book. I can write a chapter a night. Once we start getting close to one million sold, I will have the next book ready.


