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Merrill Chapman
"Selling Steve Jobs' Liver: A Story of Startups, Innovation, and Connectivity in the Clouds"
In 2003, Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer. By 2009, the cancer had spread to his liver. Near death, Jobs flew to Tennessee, where he underwent an organ transplant. The fate of the discarded liver remains a mystery, one that is revealed in "Selling Steve Jobs’ Liver: A Story of Startups, Innovation, and Connectivity in the Clouds.  Liver" begins when two serial-failure serial-failure entrepreneurs, Nate Pennington and Ignacio Loehman, are contacted  by a mysterious man who sells them the technology titan’s lost liver. Inspired by their hero and idol, Steve Jobs, Nate and Ignacio repurpose the liver to create a new startup, Reliqueree. The company's mission is to reposition death and dying in the market’s mind by replacing current 20th century mortuary processes and concepts with fresh thinking and new technology.
Preston Gralla, Computerworld

“Dark, twisted, and absolutely hilarious”

I’ve been writing about the technology industry for decades, and this book captures the weirder-than-truth moments that I’ve come across so frequently. Yes, it’s entertaining, and yes, you’ll want to keep reading to get onto the next page. But it also gets across essential truths about technology and the people who work in it more than any non-fiction book ever could. Highly recommended.

Preston Gralla, Contributing Editor, Computerworld

