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8 Things You Need To Do Before Quitting Your Job
Cheval John, author
As I was on my way to work, I realized that I forgot my glasses. Normally, I would not have done that. So, I unlock the door, went back inside to get them. I thought I had everything. Then I realized that I forgot my name tag and my other equipment. “What was wrong with me today?” I wondered. The answer was nothing because it was my last day at a corporation I really disliked. For three years, I had to worry about doing a good job, asking for more hours, etc. On that day, I was doing some dancing on the inside that I could have literally do the happy dance. Maybe, I will do it since I told a friend who is an excellent dancer that I would. While I was doing my normal duties on the final day, a co-worker asked me, “How did I deal with the same thing for over 3 years?” I said, “The way how I did it was by doing some other things on the side that I was passionate about while I was here.” The things like running a website, freelance writing, hosting an online radio show, etc. that put me in a position to build an online presence. Doing the things that you will see in the upcoming chapters allowed me to cope with the stress of the day job and in a lot of ways, put me in a position to quit my job. It was like receiving therapy from a personal shrink without actually seeing one. Another reason why you should do the eight things before quitting your job: “JOB SECURITY IS DEAD.” Before the “Great Recession,” a person could work for the same company for 40 years before retiring with a nice 401K. Since the “Great Recession,” many people are getting laid off everyday. They thought that if they stick with the program, do as they were told, don't stand out, etc., everything would work out for them. Instead, they are confused by the fact that they don't have the job that has allowed them to provide for their family, take the nice vacations and have the dream home that they always wanted. They are taking any job that will come their way for the time being while they try to search for that coveted position at another company that will probably not return. The truth of the matter is that companies are looking for ways to cut costs. Departments are either being shut down or are shipped overseas. The job search is much harder because millions of people are competing for the same position. To make sure that you are not caught off guard the day when your company lays you off, here are the “8 Things You Need To Do Before Quitting Your Job.”
