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Consider this: Things happen for a reason. This is the Universe at work. This is living beyond the physical realm. This is metaphysics. Metaphysics: Living Beyond the Physical Realm is an introductory guide to the fascinating world of metaphysics and New Age thinking. This movement melds elements of older spiritual and religious traditions with modern thought and encompasses a wide range of ideas—including personal, spiritual growth (as opposed to religious growth), self-realization, crystals, chakras, affirmations, manifestations, and other metaphysical tools in the Universe. A better understanding of the metaphysical sciences can help you open up to a larger dimension of reality. Learn about metaphysical and New Age Thinking and how to better deal with the challenges that life throws at you. Develop and strengthen your intuition. Incorporate elements like mediation, spirit guides, guardian angels, shamanic journeying, and more. Above all, enjoy this incredible journey!
