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Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2018
  • 9780998963426 0998963429
  • pages
  • $
Alternative Theologies: Parables for a Modern World (Alternatives) (Volume 3)
Bob Brown, editor (anthology)

This book explores theology and beliefs, it is written to be kind as well as thoughtful, and at times funny. It will give you belly laughs, but it will also give understanding of the notion of believing. It will remind you that no matter what you believe, we make this journey together. There are poems by some wonderful modern thinkers including Gwyndyn T. Alexander and Jane Yolen, that will explore the nature of our world. Essays by David Brin and David Gerrold that explore the nature of why we believe what we do. And then there are the stories. Funny stories, like First, that explains how Hell got started. Serious stories of redemption, as seen in Izzy Tells no Lies. Stories that explore familiar themes of the trials of Job, as seen by those around him. Questions are raised if we would even recognize a returning messiah after 2000 years of interpretations of the beliefs.

Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2018
  • 9780998963426 0998963429
  • pages
  • $
