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Paperback Details
  • 00/2019
  • 9781641825788
  • 216 pages
  • $$13.95
Hardback Details
  • 00/2019
  • 9781641825795
  • 216 pages
  • $$26.95
Robert Hester
Always… As One
Plot: David Wyatt is a piano prodigy and at 15 years old his family moved from Tennessee to Oklahoma City where he begins a new school year and a life he never expected. He meets a teacher that alters his life and he begins a challenge to bring back a dream that had been forgotten years ago by the woman he loves. Setting: Modem day Oklahoma. David Wyatt is a very talented young man who has exceptional intelligence and courage. Except for his brothers, who treated him as a child, the baby of the family; everyone else considered and treated David as an adult. Leslie Carson is David's music teacher and a newlywed going into her fourth year teaching in high school. Her dream of becoming an entertainer had passed several years ago and she reluctantly took up teaching to make a living. Dr. Christian Lansgate is the Director of the Van Cliburn Music Center for the Performing Arts. He grants David a recital upon hearing of his extraordinary talents, but is surprised when David sends his request for two pianos. Audrey Decker is a high school junior and the first to extend her friendship to David. He saves her and her family from murderers and becomes a much loved member of her family. She becomes his, "Lady and Best Friend.' Highlights: Challenges are always present for high schoolers, some are the normal every day, but others can be life threatening... as they were for David. However, being an exceptionally intelligent and strong individual David overcomes these threats and begins a life others only dream of, and he does this to fulfill a dream for the lady he loves Conclusion: This love story follows an incredible partnership that lasts a lifetime and ends only with a new beginning and a new future.
Paperback Details
  • 00/2019
  • 9781641825788
  • 216 pages
  • $$13.95
Hardback Details
  • 00/2019
  • 9781641825795
  • 216 pages
  • $$26.95
