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Paperback Details
  • 11/2015
  • 9781504910392
  • 146 pages
  • $$14.99
An Unsilent Partner
Royce insists on becoming a silent partner in Michael’s venture, which Michael supports so he can expand the business and maintain control. It is Royce’s goal to support successful companies from the sidelines and watch them thrive and profit. But there’s no way for Royce to imagine or expect that he will soon finding himself thrust into a role of leadership when its owner is away. As the owner struggles to determine what he truly wants at this juncture in his life, Royce works to straighten out the direction of the company and finds himself in a quandary, personally, while attempting to reach the goals of the employees and himself.
Paperback Details
  • 11/2015
  • 9781504910392
  • 146 pages
  • $$14.99
