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Hardcover Book Details
  • 01/2015
  • 9781910464007 1910464007
  • 436 pages
  • $30.00
James Tagg
Author, Illustrator
Are the Androids Dreaming Yet?: Amazing Brain. Human Communication, Creativity & Free Will.
James Tagg, author
One of the most important questions of our time is whether human beings are computers? Are we 'wet computers' made from flesh and blood rather than Silicon but essentially the same? If we are then how do we create and exercise free will. The book is very topical. We have just had the launch of two Hollywood movies in this field, the Imitation Game and the Theory of Everything. What are the questions these great minds - Turing and Hawking - grappled with and what do their answers mean to our future and the nature of the Universe we live in. Are the Androids Dreaming Yet tackles these scientific issues in an accessible way without ducking any of the hard scientific consequences. If you finally want to understand the Turing test, Turing machines, Goedel's incompleteness theorem, The Bell inequality and the Kochen-Specker Free Will Theorem this is your book.
Hardcover Book Details
  • 01/2015
  • 9781910464007 1910464007
  • 436 pages
  • $30.00
