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Paperback Book Details
  • 9781943549436 1943549435
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Awakening Kali
TS Ghosh, author
It’s the 1930s. A small house in Bengal houses a shadow. Chhaya is the youngest daughter in a family that doesn’t want her. Shunned for her gender and dark skin, she has no choice but to conceal her feelings. Imprison herself. Shackle herself into a life that has no proper outlet for emotion, whether it be sadness, joy, or unrepentant rage. An unexpected marriage to a stranger turns Chhaya’s life around. Suddenly, she is wanted, loved, and cherished. Arun is a man with the patience and the vision to understand that Chhaya is much more than the darkness for which she is named. Most importantly, however, Arun is able to coax Chhaya out of her prison. Slowly. Gently. But the world is an unruly place. War and famine bring heartache to Chhaya, Arun, and their family. And yet the biggest challenge Chhaya faces is one within her own mind. Drawn to the ancient and powerful goddess Kali, something suddenly awakens in Chhaya. Something terrible. Something unimaginable.
Paperback Book Details
  • 9781943549436 1943549435
  • pages
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