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Claudia Shelton
Welcome to Nature's Crossing, a small Missouri town needing more than a face lift to survive. Got a moment? We'd be happy to show you around… Big-city newscaster Ashley Lanovan never dreamed she'd be divorced and unemployed at barely thirty-eight years old. Needing time to plan her future, she agrees to housesit for friends in Nature's Crossing. After setting new life goals, and adjusting to small-town culture shock, she realizes that her priorities have been misplaced for the past ten years. Now her efforts to revive the struggling town, have gone a long way to restoring her confidence in people. But when it comes to Mark Garmund, the man she can't shake from her thoughts—that requires trust on a whole different level. Recently, Nature's Crossing seems like more than just a place special agent Mark Garmund wants to visit friends every so often. After years working for the CIA, he’s ready for a change, and the Park Services has offered him a job. Now, he's got his eye on ten acres with towering pines, a park-like setting and one sprawling house he could call home. Meeting newcomer Ashley Lanovan has triggered emotions he'd rather not face, and a few he would sure like to pursue. But he has more secrets than the world will ever know, and evidently, more enemies than he'd ever imagined.
