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Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2018
  • 9781986039321
  • 320 pages
  • $17.99
Ebook Details
  • 02/2018
  • B07B2MN1CR
  • 318 pages
  • $5.99
Darlien C. Breeze
Beware of Memories

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

Beware of Memories is a 108,480-word novel that can best be described as soft Science Fiction, a captivating story that pulls the reader in and holds their attention with international intrigue yet appeals to their emotional side with just a hint of romance. Kept well away from the little green men type of stories that make a poor substitute for classic science fiction, Beware of Memories explores the premise of aliens contacting humans without the conventional invasion or destruction of the race theme making it tedious and repetitive.

Science fiction has always captured the imagination of readers and given them the right mix of excitement, intrigue and a healthy dose of forward-thinking futurism that seeks to not only entertain, but inspire. In this book, we attempt to blend the finest hallmarks of this genre with tones of another genre, romance, to create a gripping and unique Sci-fi novel that is impossible to put down.  The theme centers around the concept of an alien race approaching planet Earth with peaceful intentions- in fact, offering humans their scientific advancements in what initially appears to be just an attempt to build bridges between the variant races. A hidden agenda comes to light later on and reveals why they are so keen on the peaceful infiltration to conclude with success. Their gene pool has come to a dead end and they must find a fresh source for their race to survive.

The story begins with Dr. Peter Kirby who enlists the talented and beautiful Simone, who unknown to him is an alien, to help the people of Earth relive past events. He has, with the aid of his assistant, recently perfected the technology required to achieve this remarkable goal. However, this technology, in the wrong hands could also be used as a technique to ‘persuade’ influential people to support their cause, unwittingly, by planting false memories and suggestions in their minds. The humans who resist these attempts are summarily eliminated and this process draws the attention of our protagonists, Gardner Poole from Scotland Yard and Emma Bossart from Interpol.  Book one follows the endeavors of these detectives as they work to unravel the truth behind the deaths and become targets themselves as they discover that there is something far, far more sinister at work.

Beware of Memories ends with the aliens hovering above earth, revealing themselves and presenting themselves as friendly. The president of the United States speaks for the all humans as he welcomes them and makes plans to meet them face to face.  Beware of Memories offers adventure, thrills, suspense, love and adrenaline pumping action; all set against an enticing tale of human determination in the face of the unknown, with the fate of the world, our freedom and our very existence as a species possibly hanging in the balance.


Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2018
  • 9781986039321
  • 320 pages
  • $17.99
Ebook Details
  • 02/2018
  • B07B2MN1CR
  • 318 pages
  • $5.99
