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Karl Albrecht
Author, Editor (anthology)
Brain Snacks

. . . being a collection of peculiar ideas, curious questions, oddball observations, pithy quotations, factoids, lame jokes, quirky definitions, mysteries, weird news stories, rants, witticisms and nitwitticisms, strange speculations, and other stuff you didn’t know you didn’t know

Mensa Bulletin, Caroline McCullagh

Karl Albrecht's website shows 12 other books besides Brain Snacks: Fast Food for Your Mind - none of them like this one. I guess his sub-title tells it all: ". . . being a collection of peculiar ideas, curious questions, oddball observations, pithy quotations, factoids, lame jokes, quirky definitions, mysteries, weird news stories, rants, witticisms and nitwitticisms, strange speculations, and other stuff you didn’t know you didn’t know."

It's all those fun things you've seen various places and wish you had written down. Well, he did.

This isn't the kind of book that you read from beginning to end. You'll dip into it when you have a few minutes to spare. And when you do that and find something that makes you laugh out load, as I did, you'd better mark it because there's no table of contents or index to lead you back to it.

Albrecht writes in his introduction, which is at the end of the book because he figures that no on ever reads them anyway, "that ideas are the ultimate form of wealth . . . Ideas are the magical capital that animates all other forms of capital." He's given us a lot here, but they're like loose coins in a purse. We have to reach and pull out the ones we want.

