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Classic Rock History

Adult; Pop Culture & Sports; (Market)

Classic Rock History is a new and exciting book for rock music enthusiasts of all ages that enjoy the many rock subgenres that developed over the past 75 years.

Dr. Rob Brosh takes you inside the music of the legendary classic rock artists and bands that changed the course of rock history. From the British Invasion bands to the American Answer, all of rock’s subgenres are represented including; heavy metal and hard rock, punk-rock, grunge, alternative rock, country-rock, progressive rock and more. The most influential rock legends, such as Keith Richards and Bruce Springsteen, are profiled as well as various topics and issues connected to rock music. The many colorful illustrations capture the spirt of each rock music style and genre. Have you have ever wondered why Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page used a violin bow on his guitar or why heavy metal became the most popular rock subgenre internationally? Classic Rock History is a must have to expand your rock music knowledge.

Classic Rock History connects you to dozens of rock’s groundbreaking albums, hundreds of rock’s greatest songs, and gives you an in-depth look at what made rock music the most exciting and evolving combination of subgenres in music history.

Jason Gianni - Yamaha Recording artist

Dr. Rob Brosh's Classic Rock History is a thoroughly detailed examination of one of America's most popular and celebrated genres of music. The book charts the development of rock from its earliest days of Blues and Gospel music, working its way through Elvis Presley, the British Invasion, folk, metal, and ending on the modern pop music of today. Rock History should be a great resource for students of music and fans of rock overall. As child of the 1960s and a professional musician myself, the book elaborated on many of my favorite artists and familiar movements from memory, but also introduced a lot of new details that were very welcome.                            

              Yamaha Recording Artist Drummer- Jason Gianni


Joe Nero

Many music history books are written from a critical perspective but lack the hard-earned expertise and knowledge of the craft that only a professional musician can offer. Dr. Brosh's many years as a working drummer inform the meticulous voice of his writing, and create for a very comprehensive understanding of the genre. I will be recommending this one to my students!

                                     University of the Arts Faculty- Joe Nero


