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Paperback Book Details
  • 9780998580203 0998580201
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Cognitive Politics: a Communications Workbook for Progressives
Are your political conversations becoming fights? Or do you silence yourself to avoid those fights? Cognitive Politics is a workbook that will help you integrate new science with communication techniques — and put heart and hope back into your political conversations. Cognitive Politics reviews scientific discoveries, successful historical campaigns, and communication strategies. We’ll integrate ideas that are rarely combined and explore the contradictions. How does the recent Moral Foundation Theory match Gandhi's historical campaigns? Did Martin Luther King Jr use framing the way George Lakoff now suggests? What compromises did King make — what compromises did he avoid?  And how can these lessons improve your conversations at Thanksgiving or online?

Paperback Book Details
  • 9780998580203 0998580201
  • pages
  • $
