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Rafael H Derchansky
Corridor One
Dina, a tenacious art forgery expert, is suddenly dragged back into her past life when an extraordinary package is left at her apartment by a mysterious man who seems to know the most personal and intimate details about her past. Why now? Can he be trusted? With new revelations, her life quickly spirals into a maelstrom of confusion and Dina is torn between her innocent desire to believe the stranger and her professional instincts telling her that everything is not as it seems. As she struggles to understand what is happening, an unsolved, decades-old crime linked to a missing treasure becomes the center of her life. Embarking on an unexpected and mystifying adventure that interrupts her busy life, Dina must confront the shadows of her past and face the truth about her family. What happened more than twenty years ago when her father and brother were torn away from her? Together with her colleagues and their expertise, the mystery might be solved. But will her team unconditionally support her in her effort to put together the pieces of this long-broken puzzle? To shed light upon the truth, Dina will have to travel to a place that holds many painful memories and face the ghosts of her past. There she will learn about the fate of her doting father and beloved brother, who has been lost to a shadowy, clandestine organization known only to a few locals as Corridor One. Dina will have to rely on the help of an unlikely partner and an old, long-forgotten Siberian mental art to accomplish her goals. But is Dina alone on her path or is somebody quietly watching her steps?
Corridor One Published

Hello everyone, 

Today is a very exciting day 
for me  :)

My first book Corridor One 
is officially 
published !!!!!!

I would like to take 
 My Family  !!!!!!!!
My Friends !!!!!!!!!
 My Editors  !!!!!!!!!
Preview Readers  !!!!!!!! 
My Facebook followers !!!!!!!!
Corridor One LIKERS  !!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday
Corridor One !!!!!!!!!!!!

