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Cross Examinations
Meet Eliot Cross, Columbus-based P.I. in 1988. A series of serious crimes: Kidnapping. Murder. Art Thief. Blackmail. Comic Books. Private Investigator Eliot Cross faces heartache, headache, backache, and a royal pain in the neck in these rollicking noir stories from the heart of the Heartland. Cross Examinations, Inc. established in 1988

Private eye Eliot Cross is a Mike Hammer type of tough guy with a soft side not seen by many. The book is four mystery short stories - HEADACHE, HEARTACHE, NECKACHE, and BACKACHE that run the gauntlet from kidnapping, murder to comic books....The stories are set in the 1980's - the gum shoe trying to make a living, always two steps away from true love, and surrounded by dirty streets and crooked people, but also a few that believe in hope and justice. The stories are also used to showcase the soon to be released TRIPLEYE TRILOGY with Eliot Cross as the main character. I enjoyed the author's crisp and down to earth style - the look back at a different age when it seemed there were only bad criminals and justice was always reachable. A quick read that will peak your interest for more - all the parts for a good mystery.


What a fun read! These stories were fast-paced and enjoyable. The narration was incredibly clear and really reflected the personality of the main character which made the entire experience very authentic. I would definitely buy another book by this author. He did a fantastic job of setting the pace and keeping my interest. I could visualize each scene, and man, did I feel like I was back in the eighties!!! It was a fun ride. If you like crime drama and want something quick, you can't go wrong with Cross Examinations!

