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Cyber Insecurity
Phil Pearl, author

Cyber Insecurity is a novel that follows the lives of its two main characters, Janie and Dave, as they negotiate the world of online criminals and undeclared cyber warfare between nation states. 

The book is based on real people, places, devices, and events, from the summit between the Russian and U.S. Presidents and a collision between Russian and American nuclear submarines, to North Korea's Hydrogen bomb and Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles tests.

You are taken on a tour through the murky world of Malware, Bots, Viruses, Ransomware, Cyber Security, and Spying, as Cyber crooks steal identities, hack Government web sites, and wreck trains.  And that's just scratching the surface.

The story is told of the contemporary political scene, where interference by Russia in the U.S. Presidential election puts a crooked businessman in the White House.  Then the new President fires the FBI Director who is investigating Russian election influence.  And in Scotland Dave and Janie are poisoned by the Russians with Novichok nerve agent.

But just as in the real world, it's up to you to decide which parts of the story are factual and which are fictional.


