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Danny Trample for School President?

Danny Trample for School President? Mayma and Reagan Raphael. 

An illustrated children's hardcover book that takes inspiration from the recent American presidential election to address bullying among children in schools. It is based on circumstances surrounding a boy, Danny Trample, who always wants to come out on top, and who constantly says unkind things to put down other students at school especially those who are in any way different to him. He decided to run for school election to prove that he can win. His bullying manner, a series of fibs and outrageous promises made him an undesirable candidate to be school president. His competitor, kind, hardworking, upstanding Hannah Clarke stands in the way of his dream. How will Hannah and the rest of the school community react if Danny becomes School President? Can anything bring about a more humble attitude in Danny? How will he help unite the school?

