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Nancy Weston
Digger's Izy
Nancy Weston, author
As the population of post-WWII Los Angeles is exploding and overwhelming the pueblo infrastructure, Isabella finds herself caught between her powerless, loving mother, and brilliant father who is tortured by mental illness. As a child, she relies upon her maternal grandmother for encouragement and stability, is enthralled by the family lore and bolstered by the wisdom. But Grandy is ill. It is a tumultuous time for Isabella’s family, Los Angeles, and for the Country. Shortly before the Watts riots in Los Angeles, Isabella graduates from an ethnically diverse school with peers who are headed for college, racial strife, or Vietnam. She is edgy, angry, and believes she can take on the world. But not everyone is what they appear to be and she makes early mistakes. Love proves as dangerous as it can be a comfort and always looming is the specter of her father’s schizophrenia. Isabella is no victim and at a moment of crisis, she stops escaping her life and turns to run right at it! You will love the history! You will be captivated by the characters! You will be engrossed in Isabella’s struggles and delight in her accomplishments. Great descriptions that don’t crowd the story. Written lyrically, with much poignancy, “Digger’s Izy” is a moving read!

I have read Digger's Izy twice. the first time I read it fast, the story was so interesting, I wanted to know the ending. the second time I read it for more content. I was inspired by Izy's courage to overcome the extreme hardships she faced as a child living with a Father who was mentally ill. The book is filled with excitement and historical moments that were part of my life also, which made the book more relevant. One of my favorite parts were when her Grandmother (Grandy) gave Izy this advice. "Life isn't meant to be easy. Thats the thing of it. It's a struggle to find the moments when it is all so wonderful". Isabella completed the thought."and we have a duty to look for them even when they are almost invisible, almost not there at all, we must find them." This is how Izy is living her life.


An inspirational read, Diggers Izy took me back through time. I felt like I knew the characters and was captivated by the storyline and writing style. Nancy Weston takes you deep into the mind of Izy as she faces life's struggles both relatable and out of this world. The imagery she creates is beautiful as I could see the ocean adventures and harrowing works of architecture. I loved how Izy is a take charge young woman who dominates a male world, speaks her mind, and problem solves. 5 stars for having a strong female lead and an amazing, entrancing storyline!


This is a great story at a fast pace. The characters are vivid and complex. Can't assume you know where it is going. Just stay on for a great ride. Touching, funny, inspirational. Must read!

Betty Vassar

The book grabbed me with the first words, "It was 1927...,"  I was born and in LA  like Gunter!  The story is a parallel to my own life and I loved the historical references: like a walk down memory lane for me!  And Angel's Flight was a mile from where I lived! The Little Red Car - this author grew up in LA!  I thoroughly identified with Izy and spent enjoyable hours reliving my youth!  Thank you, for writing this book! 

Betty Vassar, Happy Booker!

Dianna Halpin

Janet Basilone,


Founder, Fine Diners Over 40

 And Fiverr Pro Editor

Janet Basilone,

For her debut novel, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Nancy Weston has hit it miles out of the park. Her story holds appeal for all generations. She dives deep into the psyches of immigrant family members from Scotland and Germany, painting intimate portraits complete with rich, native idiom.

She skillfully captures the complexities of familial relationships and friendships sometimes made more difficult by mental illness and alcoholism. She touches on themes of sexuality and religion.

You will cheer on Izy as she follows a circuitous route to corporate uber success. There is absolutely nothing trite or predictable.

Never assume an outcome—enjoy the perfectly-paced journey to the next stop, it is rife with vivid descriptions of even minor details. Whatever the subject matter—ancestral language, aerobatics, heart surgery, medical devices—Nancy gives you first-person rendering enhanced with meticulous research.

You will fall in love with every character, depicted with warts and all and without judgment. The backdrop of historical events will resonate for baby boomers. Nancy’s book will make you laugh and cry and think; it will stay with you for a long time.

Janet Basilone,


Founder, Fine Diners Over 40

 And Fiverr Pro Editor

