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Valerie Coulman
Author, Illustrator
Exploring My World: Spiders
Hunters, builders, trippers, trappers and weavers, spiders serve an important part in keeping our world a healthier, and more fascinating, place. With original photographs and a wealth of information, this first volume in the Exploring My World series introduces young readers to the remarkable world of spiders.
Amazon Reader

"Exploring My World: Spiders" is exactly the kind of book my elementary students gravitate toward: full of interesting facts and MANY beautiful (or harrowing...depending on your spider radar) photographs.The book has numerous educational features such as a "note to parents and teachers," an "Is it a spider?" chart, a diagram of basic body parts, "Did you know?" sections, and a glossary of spidery terms. I will be adding it to my classroom library!

Exploring My World: Spiders shortlisted for North Street Book Prize

Exploring My World: Spiders was among the titles shortlisted for the 2018 North Street Book Prize for children's nonfiction. 

"We ... judged all the shortlisted books in hard copy format, even if originally submitted online, to put everyone on a level playing field, " says the Winning Writers web page. "This allowed us to carry the books with us through daily life and let their ideas percolate—and it was a lot easier on the eyes! ...

"This was our most diverse entry pool yet, with many intriguing stories about characters occupying a liminal space between nationalities, racial divisions, cultures old and new—even between life and death."

