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Fact & Fake Files & Fiction of the Paranormal
All of us are haunted. You don’t agree? Consider for a moment…there are images, experiences, people you carry with you, whether you want to or not. They’re the ghosts of your past, of yourself, of your life. Once you understand that simple truth—the veil between everyday life and the paranormal dissolves, and you are ready to step into the eerie world of Fact & Fake Files & Fiction of the Paranormal. A unique creation, half of this book recounts chilling moments of the author’s life, and half enchants and terrifies with the dark genius of his imagination. Throughout the book, you will see through the author’s own eyes as you experience the compelling images of paintings used to create an original Tarot deck. From the terror of a near-death experience that would leave him forever changed to the horror of moving into a haunted apartment…from a simple magic trick to the shock of a premonition that came true…these chilling stories set a new standard for tales of the supernatural. Are you ready? Turn the first page, and prepare to be shocked, chilled, and fascinated.
