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Paperback Book Details
  • 9780985393922 0985393920
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Rod Mortin
Forbidden Paths (Forbidden Paths trilogy)
Rod Mortin, author
Members of three tribes are drawn by fate into the menacing Rift Valley. A brilliant inventor, a handsome healer, and a tough-minded woman, the three are as different as their tribes. Chased by bloodthirsty beasts, these unlikely allies must forge a path toward friendship in order to survive. Curiosity lures them onto the path of danger in a quest to understand the ruins protected by the carnivores. The secret they discover changes everything they thought they knew about their tribes and their world. Forbidden Paths is Book One of an exciting young adult trilogy by Rod Mortin. Filled with non-stop action, powerful relationships, and a quest for truth, this fast-paced novel draws the reader into an adventure filled with peril and purpose.
Paperback Book Details
  • 9780985393922 0985393920
  • pages
  • $
