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From Geek to God

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

This book has Fantasy, Romance, Action, Erotic and Christian subject matter.

Tommy leaves California as a young man and moves with the family to PA. There he meets his best friend and encounter much mischief. After High school they go on a road trip that is outrageous (Action). When he returns home he falls in love (Romance, Erotic) and gets a job where he discovers he is almost a genius and makes world improvements. After becoming so full of pride and geeky nerdy ways, he is anti social. When he loses all his family and friends he later has an accident, he wakes up and ventures into a fantasy yellow brick road journey (Fantasy)  where he meets many characters that educate him about life and life after death and a very interesting fact about Hell.(Christian) He finally bumps into Jesus and has a major mind battle and loses, but gets a good education. Read this for a real good christian message.

