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Joyce A Lefler
From Miracle to Murder: Justice for Adam
true crime thriller/memoir - Would a mother kill her own child? It seems unfathomable, but it happens all the time. The author (Joyce) was a single mother of Anne, a nine-year-old daughter, and Adam, a six-year-old severely disabled son. Adam required constant care. Joyce was on welfare. She wanted more. Was she tired of taking care of her kids? When Adam died, her ex-husband said she was an abusive mother. The babysitter said Joyce brought him a dead child. The coroner said the timing of Adam’s death placed him with Joyce, and his little body showed signs of ongoing abuse. How could Child Protective Services, the investigating officers, the district attorney, state psychologists, and a grand jury be wrong? How could anyone believe Joyce didn’t murder Adam? From Miracle to Murder: Remembering Adam, is written in a gripping, this really happened style. It is a true crime memoir based on police reports, depositions, court records, a grand jury transcript, criminal trial transcripts, psychologist’s written evaluations, eye witness accounts, journals, victim impact statements, different avenues of public media, Adam’s autopsy, and haunting memories.
