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Paperback Book Details
  • 9781497383180 1497383188
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Dominique Wilkins
Giving My Tears a Break
Hannah Jeffries wants a marriage with her long-time boyfriend, Nathan Hawes, but even though they share three children, ages nine, seven and ten months, Nathan gives Hannah no reassurance that their being together is more than a temporary thing. While Hannah makes plenty of fruitless attempts to get Nathan to commit to a permanent arrangement, she makes excuse after excuse as the children keep coming. Every year that goes by, she assures herself that he will mature and do the right thing. Unfortunately, with the more responsibilities and trust that she puts on him, the more he disappoints her, but with all of the time she put in and the kids that need him, she can't leave. She can't give up on all of her hard work, until one day, she's had enough! No more excuses. No more waiting. She's tired and she is forced to get out and that is the only way she will be able to give her tears a break! Find out what is "the straw that breaks the camel's back" and has Hannah running like a track star to get as far away from Nathan as possible!
Paperback Book Details
  • 9781497383180 1497383188
  • pages
  • $
