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Winter Fox
Author, Service Provider
Grace Coffin and the Ghostwriter
Winter Fox, author
With her band on hiatus, Grace goes to work for an upscale catering company and gets way too close a look at the secretive celebrity culture on Mount Desert Island, Maine. Meanwhile, Cormac is strapped for cash. He though the bills would taper off after death, but, hey, die and learn... His new venture, 'Spirited Ghostwriting' nets him a new customer and the story is dynamite. Starlet Isabelle Cake is writing her memoirs, which will ignite a powder keg of Hollywood secrets, but the actress is now missing. Can Cormac and Grace find out where Isabelle Cake is before it's too late? In this third volume of the Grace Coffin series, we find out why Grace hates lobster, why it's a good idea to have wifi in your crypt, and why it's not such a great idea to keep a working collection of Medieval torture devices.

I love this 3rd book in the Grace Coffin series. If you thought Grace kicked butt before (which I did), wow - just wait til you read this episode! I love this series because the books are super fun (and funny) page-turners, but also because of the way Winter Fox uses Grace's adventures to comment cleverly on our society and support the #metoo movement. Do yourself a favor and get your copy now! A fantastic read.

