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Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2016
  • 9781945371974
  • 220 pages
  • $15.00
Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2016
  • 9781945371998
  • 328 pages
  • $15.00
Weam Namou
Healing Wisdom for a Wounded World: My Life-Changing Journey Through a Shamanic School
Weam Namou, author
In Book 3 of Healing Wisdom for a Wounded World, Weam Namou shares the highlights of the third year of her apprenticeship in Lynn Andrews’ four-year shamanic school. Her biggest act of power this year is to make it to Storm Eagle, the training gathering in Arizona, and participate in the marriage ceremony. She wants to finally meet her mentors and Lynn Andrews in person. As she sets her intent and waits for the outcome, she dives into the schoolwork, which focuses on balancing one’s emotions, building endurance, working deeply with the chakra systems, and celebrating the marriage of self to self. Through the author’s journey, you will gain insight into these ancient holographic teachings where the past, present, and future exist simultaneously as our reality. This is a theory which goes back to the indigenous people who believed that we exist in a dream or illusion. Physicists across the world are now thinking the same thing and people are awakening to the possible idea of birthing a new story for our planet.
Spiritual coach Namou (The Flavor of Cultures) describes her personal journey in this first volume of her four-part memoir. It begins with a phone conversation between Namou and author Lynn Andrews that was an essential part of Namou’s development; quotes and themes taken from this conversation are woven throughout the book, which recounts how Namou processed and came to terms with her childhood arrival in Detroit, Mich., after emigrating from Baghdad at the age of nine. Andrews encourages Namou to participate in the Mystery School, a lineage of learning based on Native American shamanic teachings, and this brings Namou a sense of release from the traumatization of being suddenly uprooted at such an early age to move to a vastly different culture. This thorough and descriptive first installment includes a deep look into her Iraqi past and Chaldean Christian background, and explores how that spiritual upbringing has influenced her present life. Spiritual terms and symbols that could be new to some readers are explained well throughout the book. Readers interested in personal journeys of faith will be eager to follow Namou along her spiritual path. (BookLife)
Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2016
  • 9781945371974
  • 220 pages
  • $15.00
Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2016
  • 9781945371998
  • 328 pages
  • $15.00
