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Paperback Book Details
  • 9780578550275 057855027X
  • pages
  • $
Joseph Sarosy
How to Tell Stories to Children: And Everyone Else Too
A new book combines the modern science of storytelling with a step-by-step method for parents, grandparents, educators, and anyone interested in a lasting relationship with children. What we now know from a host of evolutionary theorists, neurologists, psychologists, and academics is that storytelling is not just for fun. It is a cognitive tool humans evolved over eons to transfer knowledge, attract and retain attention, and build trust. When viewed from this lens, storytelling becomes more about the relationship between parent (or speaker) and child, not simply the narrative. This is why it’s such a vital tool for parents and caregivers, and relevant to anyone considering the impacts of screen time on our kids.
Paperback Book Details
  • 9780578550275 057855027X
  • pages
  • $
