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Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2018
  • 9780967625645
  • 150 pages
  • $24.95
How to Write Your Book: ...from an Idea to Your Published Story
Do You Write or Want to Write? Have You ever said, "I want to write a book?" If so HOW TO WRITE YOUR BOOK may just be what you've been waiting for. We've turned the "dry" subject of learning how to write, into a fun, step by step interactive journey, with 3 Wise Guides to see that you get to YOUR FINISHED STORY! These Guides, the writer, Ms. Iwanna B. Writer, the editor, Ms. Edi Tor and the publisher, Mr. I. M. Publisher, all travel with you sharing their expertise. Each Chapter maps out a different step in the process, what you need to know and how to proceed. The guides give you their valuable tips in a cartoon type conversation that will make you laugh and will keep you moving toward your goad of a finished book. The end of each Chapter provides a summary of what you learned and the tools that can be to applied to your story. If you ever had a dream, to write a book, here's your chance to see your dream come true!
John Kremer


"If you are ready to begin writing a book, this entertaining book can help you get started and, more important, keep you on track to finish. You can only sell what you finish.
            John Kremer  Author of 1001  Ways To Market Your Book                                                                                        visit                   

Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2018
  • 9780967625645
  • 150 pages
  • $24.95
