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Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2018
  • 9781725819436
  • 94 pages
  • $5.99
Jordan Weisinger
Imperial Democracy
This book explores the benefits of using econometric representation to improve longevity in nations by representing jurisdictions with higher per capita income more than low per capital jurisdictions. Higher per capita income is associated with longer periods of sustainable democracy. When the wealthier jurisdictions earn proportionally more representation than poorer more rural jurisdictions, the modified per capita income (interaction effect of # reps * per capita income) increases along with the time the nation is expected to preserve its democratic entitlements. It is expected that the wealthier and often more populous districts will seek to pass minimum wage laws, pro-union laws, and progressive taxes further increasing per capita income and extending the life of the democracy. GDP based representation allows a nation to incorporate new states without dramatically changing the disposition of their own legislative chambers in the near term. Political representation is dependent on GDP denominated in currency reducing the proportional representation of states with less developed economies. However, there are expectations that eventually the currency valuations between the two economies will normalize and the equivalence will translate to proportional representation within the Union. The transition will occur after a number of decades where cultures will moderate and the economy of the incorporated states develop. The end state will include full representation for the incorporated state, with all the benefits of trade, federalist tax subsidy, and parity in regulatory schemes.
Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2018
  • 9781725819436
  • 94 pages
  • $5.99
