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Journey to Forever
Synopsis: “Journey To Forever,” written by Melvin Schoenberg, is a tale told through a succession of 27 logs. Aaron, the chief character, is chosen from a crew of 37 youthful cadets to be the scribe. His job is to write the journal of their expedition. In that journey they hoped to find life on the second planet of the Solamit star system. It was recently discovered in 2075 and is 22 light years from Earth. Aaron explains how science has evolved to the point where a journey lasting 140 years is possible. The actual journey starts from the moon Dysnomia, the moon of the dwarf planet, Eris. (Eris is approximately the size of Earth’s moon and is a real dwarf planet in our solar system.) Certain human errors occur. One was caused by the need to increase the speed of their spaceship, the SS Victoria. That led to one of the crew’s deaths, and then the saga unfolds and tells of four stories. One is about a strange melody, a ngunn, that Aaron is found mumbling at the end of a hibernation. The second is about Thurgood, who lives on Earth and has an unusual tie with Aaron. They think the same thoughts simultaneously. The third is about the creation of a wormhole, a pathway through “empty space”, where there is no matter and no time. The fourth is the strange life-threatening event that happens when the landing on Solamit-2 finally occurs. The saga reveals a valuable connection, a set of harrowing events in an upside-down galaxy and the harmony, that allows Aaron, Thurgood and maybe all of us to survive. The entire story is narrated by Aaron whose philosophy concerning time, life, and other profound ideas talk to us. So, we become part of the story.
