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Paperback Book Details
  • 9781534707016 1534707018
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Gracie Bradford
June the Prune and Lady Bird: Cancer Stinks! Kids and Pets Cracking the Power Code (Volume 2)
What goes through a person’s mind when isolated in a hospital room away from friends, relatives, and trustworthy pets? June is a 10-year-old feisty girl who goes through unusual life’s challenges in the midst of unimaginable encounters with adults and her imaginary friends Chemo, Rad, Ed, Captain Jeff and Doctor Treehouse. Her dog, Lady Bird, is her hero and guiding light. She goes on vacation to Europe with her brother and grandmother to realize that she and her brother are the only children in the tour group with ole folks. In spite of age difference, June, her brother and the “seasoned senior citizens” have the time of their life. After returning from Europe and starting to look and act like a prune, June learns that she has a rare form of brain cancer requiring aggressive treatment. June shares what goes through a child’s mind when essentially in isolation of darkness for nine months. She learns about power through watching her grandmother and uses those skills while on vacation in a foreign country and while going through her private tunnel of darkness.
Paperback Book Details
  • 9781534707016 1534707018
  • pages
  • $
