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Ebook Details
  • 03/2018
  • B07BZ16QXW
  • 90 pages
  • $5.99
Angie Dent
Just for Girlfriends!!
Angie Dent, author
Just for Girlfriends highlights true strength and beauty of all Christian women! This book is full of short, uplifting and entertaining stories for women of all ages, walks of life, in all stages of life. Relatable poetic stories of single/married life, dating, single moms, mother/daughter relationships and dreams take you on refreshing journeys of faith. Strong, likeable characters bring stories to life and will move your heart, faith and surely bring a smile! Just for Girlfriends is a whirlwind ride full of love, hope, drama and second chances! Hop on and take a ride! “Contains a helpful discussion guide for reading groups.”
Ebook Details
  • 03/2018
  • B07BZ16QXW
  • 90 pages
  • $5.99
