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James Denney
My Heart was shattered
Christopher Hall already has his life mapped out for him when the American Civil War suddenly puts everything on hold and he finds himself in a uniform, fighting for his life. Despite the horrors of the battlefield, Christopher somehow manages to stay alive and when he meets Callie it is love at first sight. At wars end the two decide that they want to be together, get married and prepare to settle in rural Kentucky. But other forces are at work and none too happy about the new arrivals. On their wedding night they are burned out of their home and several members of other Union-supporting families are killed, including Callie's mother and one of her uncles and his family. Desperate to find peace, the newlyweds set out for Christopher’s hometown of New York, but fate has more in store for them when they encounter a group of religious fanatics in Pennsylvania. With Christopher injured and lost in a river, Callie is captured by the zealots who intend to use her as a sacrificial offering to their God.But hot on their trail is Carter, Callie’s younger brother and a skilled backwoodsman. He has a plan to rescue his sister and enlists the rest of the family to help him see it through. But has he bitten off more than he can chew? And even if he rescues Callie, will she be the same person without her beloved Christopher?
