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Paperback Book Details
  • 12/2015
  • 9780692593875
  • 248 pages
  • $24.95
Ryan Mettling
Nevada Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-In-One Review and Testing to Pass Nevada's Psi Real Estate Exam

Adult; Business & Personal Finance; (Market)

Nevada Real Estate License Exam Prep (NV-RELEP) is a 250-page modern learning tool designed to prepare real estate candidates to pass Nevada's PSI licensing exam. NV-RELEP contains six different sections to provide the knowledge and practice necessary to succeed with both Nevada and national questions. Features of Nevada Real Estate License Exam Prep (NV-RELEP): National Principles & Law Key Point Review Real Estate Math Key Formula Review & Practice Nevada-Specific Laws and Regulations Key Point Review National Practice Tests (500 questions) Nevada Practice Tests (140 questions) Nevada Simulation Exam (100 questions) Nevada Real Estate License Exam Prep is available both as a printed book or as an e-book (Word, PDF, ePub, and Mobi). Find out why NV-RELEP is increasingly becoming Nevada's most popular exam prep title!​
Paperback Book Details
  • 12/2015
  • 9780692593875
  • 248 pages
  • $24.95
