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Dee Kearney
Dee Kearney, author
Sam Cray, a streetwise and earthy detective looks upon the eighth victim of a serial killer they are starting to call the Illinois Butcher. Ruthless and vicious, the killings are particularly twisted. Yet has he made his first mistake? The killer leaves a trademark on every victim, a daisy tied with a yellow ribbon. Only this time he has sullied a previously unblemished record by leaving a fingerprint when he has stopped to fasten a button on the girl's clothing. A simple reflex, but perhaps giving the police a direct route to him. Later that evening a man sits in a nearby café and watches the police activity. Running the length of his hand is a deep scar. Not another serial killer movie you groan….. No, NOT. Open Hand is a question. What if? A question we ask ourselves every day. In this instance the “what if?” takes a little while to surface… OPEN HAND - Fast-paced, sexually charged, with a tinge of wry humour. Written by a woman who likes a good thriller.
