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Paddle to Paddle
Lois Chapin, author

Paddle to Paddle is a book of poetry addressing the darker side of the human condition. Lois Chapin takes the reader on a journey through being born into an abusive home with a violent and mentally ill mother, to the guilt of leaving a sibling at home when she escapes at 14, to trying to build a better nuclear family herself, only to have it end in sex addiction and deceit. The promises she makes to herself to be a better mother to her own children evaporate when her daughter becomes addicted to heroin and works as a dominatrix. Her search for a loving partnership leads to an unavailable widower still attached to his dead wife. She tries to find a sense of control and purpose in social justice issues, and working as a therapist, only to find society pushing back with a fury and her clients committing suicide. At last, while paddling outrigger canoes as a competitive athlete she is able to face the unimaginable, her abusive mentally ill mother needs her to be the caregiver at the end of her life. Paddle to Paddle addresses the more complicated aspects of life and brings a dark humor to how one woman faced them. Topics include; child abuse, religious abuse, parenting an addict, messy divorce, care-giving an aging parent, dysfunctional relationships later in life, the solace and heartbreak of pets, social issues, outrigger canoe racing and finding redemption in unexpected ways. Release date: 9/20/19, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

