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Tim Griffin, author
Christopher Hamilton just graduated college, saddled with debt and about to embark on the prescribed post-graduate journey into corporate America. While this may be the stagnant plan of his generation, he couldn’t help but feel lost. Christopher is filled with grandiose ideas about life and what it should be, about morning hikes cascading the Rockies or plunging deep into the frigid waters in the Alaskan wilderness. While his friends move on scattered in cities across America, Christopher feels trapped in his Boston apartment, alone most days and paranoid about his monotonous future. In this fear comes a desire for change. Christopher begins to plan an escape that will see him scour the road near and abroad for answers to his existential doubts. From frigid mountain climbing in New Hampshire to the threat of imprisonment in Nicaragua, and eventually to the essence of his search, this book takes the reader on a modern adventure through the heart of a young man longing for reason. Pioneers delves deep into the human condition, critiquing the relevant need for structure while exposing our inherent desire for freedom. Follow Christopher's search for understanding and formulate your own questions along the way.
