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Paperback Details
  • 02/2017
  • 9780996860741 9780996860741
  • 89 pages
  • $14.99
Greg Ware
Poetic Therapy
Greg Ware, author
Everyone wants to be enlightened in their life, but they also desire to be entertained! Poetic Therapy is the antidote to this dilemma as it accomplishes both goals with one inoculation. As an educator, comedian, hit songwriter and producer, Greg Ware is the most logical choice to administer this miraculous serum. The life-long benefits of these seventy poems may be more valuable than any other prescription. Father Time is running out on Mother Nature, and this soliloquy of syntax not only mirrors society, but inspires reflection. One things for certain, you will revel in the irony and introspection as humanity is examined and dissected. Greg lives and works in Pasadena where the success of his Amazon #1 Bestseller, Just Love Everybody, has created a busy workshop and speaking schedule.
Paperback Details
  • 02/2017
  • 9780996860741 9780996860741
  • 89 pages
  • $14.99
