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Prognosis For Misdiagnosis

"Prognosis for Misdiagnosis" addresses a disturbing reality today - that misdiagnosis, often preventable, is the third leading cause of death in the United States, only superseded by heart disease and cancer. Unlike other books written on  the subjecct, this recently published non-fiction study considers two perspectives: that of patients with firsthand experience with misdiagnosis and numerous innovative programs currently being introduced by the medical proffession, who finds these statistics equally unacceptable.

One of the causes uncovered from my research points to the fact that, with over 7,000 "mystery illnesses", no physician can be expected to recognize the symptoms of each one. At the same time, it is unconcionable to leave a patient exhibiting a lpotentially life-threatening disease untreated, and disturbingly, at times demeaned because it is unidentified. We need a better system in place to more compassionately address the interim between when a patient first presents with unidentified symptoms and when an accurate diagnosis is made. It is my hope that through the true patient experiences shared - in conjunction with the programs currently being instituted by the medical profession  and documented within these pages - I can help  makie that difference',

