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Hardcover Book Details
  • 02/2016
  • 9780990423980
  • pages
  • $22.97
Prude: Misconceptions of a Neo-Virgin
Carrie Lloyd, author
SEX. LOVE. VIRGINITY? In the dating game these days, the V-word has become as strange and complicated as the Love-word, and purity as outdated as pay phones. How exactly is a Christian girl supposed to handle herself these days? How can she create healthy boundaries without scaring off every available guy? Is purity even possible without being puritanical? In this candid, humorous account of the true-life trials of Christian dating, Carrie Lloyd shares the wisdom she ’s gleaned in her quest for love in a modern world. She guides with grace and honesty through the often hush-hush topics of sex, porn, shame, female competition, misconceptions about purity, and those dreaded “waiting till marriage” conversations.
Cynthia Garrett, Inspirational Speaker, Evangelist, Executive Producer, and Host

“Carrie's book is a MUST-read for every person committed to sexual purity who has struggled with sex, self worth, shame, and judgment while on the road to freedom and...Mr. Right. Prude is fresh, real, and honest in ways no other Christian authors are speaking today. Instead of being politically correct in terms of ‘Christianese,’ Carrie says it like it is so that women can actually be set free by dialogue they relate to.”

Malcolm Croft, Malcolm Croft, Senior Editor at Carlton Books, UK

Prude is not worthy, pious, or preachy; it’s truthful, it’s flawed, and it’s inspirational.”

Michael Braverman, Executive Producer, A Smith Company

“The Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘prude’ as a puritan, prig, killjoy, moralist, or informally, a ‘Goody Two-shoes.’ Carrie Lloyd’s new book, Prude: Misconceptions of a Neo-Virgin, stands in fierce opposition to the OED’s definition. Lloyd is an earthy, funny, insightful woman embarked on a most unusual journey. Having experienced the modern world’s sexual ‘liberation,’ Lloyd makes the outlier’s decision to forgo sex before marriage. No easy path, this, as we soon discover in the pages of Prude. From incredulous girlfriends, to damp and derailed boyfriends, Lloyd finds that ‘holding out’ is fraught with uncertainty and frustration. Faith helps her prevail, but that too is subject to doubt and redefinition. Prude is not a cenobite’s memoir, but a romp through traditional church and modern bedroom, both of which are found to be leached of meaning and spiritually threadbare. Whatever you feel about faith and Christianity, meeting Carrie Lloyd in the pages of Prude will convince you of one thing: Chastity can be sexy.” 

Hardcover Book Details
  • 02/2016
  • 9780990423980
  • pages
  • $22.97
