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Paperback Book Details
  • 9780692232231 0692232230
  • pages
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Inamullah Abdulmatin
Editor (anthology)
Reflections on Ladakh,Tibet and Central Asia
Inamullah Abdulmatin, editor (anthology)

A well researched book about the history and culture of Ladakh, written by one of Ladakh’s native and most prominent scholar. This book brings together 22 of his papers, originally published elsewhere, and dealing with topics as diverse as new perspective on Ladakh's history, Ladakh's interactions with its neighbours, Islam in Ladakh and contemporary cultural manifestations. It provides a comprehensive overview of different facets of Ladakh's rich cultural heritage, especially past historical, political and cultural linkages with neighbouring countries

Paperback Book Details
  • 9780692232231 0692232230
  • pages
  • $
