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Jason Carson
Separating You
A book written by a serial killer to show the world how they must embrace a psychopathic mindset to achieve their goals in life. Full of Dr. Carson's personal stories, anecdotes, and occasional rantings, this book does all that it promised, and then some.

This book is well written, exhibits good flow and will definitely disturb you. The only way I could comfortably read this was by treating Jason (protagonist/antagonist) as a case study (see what I did there? Distancing). My occasional bout of dark humor also helped.

Jason is a mix between the hedonistic and the power/control motivated serial killer.Initially he is aloof, unemotional, flippant and callous but as you delve beneath the surface, you see some interesting things.

The protagonist is not quite the perfect 'psychopath' he would like you to think that he is. One gets the sense that he was made this way and was not born this way. He has some emotional range, exhibits very rudimentary guilt and oscillates between idealizing and denigrating his 'love objects' (his victims, and this includes you, dear reader).

We don't know much about Jason's beginnings but we do know that by the age of 6 years he has been regularly sexually assaulted. At this time, he develops a morbid fascination with dying/decaying animals which eventually graduates to humans. By killing his victims, he destroys his own victimhood, identifies with it and then consumes it.

Confluent fantasies about sexuality, sensory experience and justification for his deeds are the name of the game. He also has some strange ideas of reference regarding his own omnipotence and has become more organized as he escalates (as I said before, I treated him as a case study).

Trust me, you would not want Jason as your next door neighbor. This book is not for the emotionally fragile but you should definitely read it if you have a thick skin and are interested in severe psychopathology.

